Events App

Keep your audience updated on upcoming events

Ensure that your audience stays informed and engaged with upcoming events using the TelemetryTV Events App. This versatile tool allows you to display event information in a way that captivates your audience's attention, with customizable backgrounds and seamless integration with Google Calendar. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of it:

Adding the Events App

  1. Log In: Start by logging in to your TelemetryTV account.
  2. Navigate to Playlists: From the left-hand toolbar, click on the "Playlists" tab.
  3. Search for "Events": In the application list on the right side of the page preview, search for "Events," and select the Events App.

Adding Events

There are two methods for adding events:

  1. Manual Entry: At the bottom of the properties menu, click "Add Event" to manually add events. You can specify the event name, location, date, and recurrence. Events can be edited or deleted after they've been added.
  2. Using an .ICS File URL: Toggle on "Create events from calendar" to enter an iCalendar URL. This allows you to sync your Events App with cloud-based calendars like Google Calendar, Office 365, or Apple Calendar, as long as they provide an .ICS URL.

Configuring Your Events App

The "Events Properties" section is where you can fine-tune how the app appears. Feel free to experiment with different settings to create the perfect look. Let's explore the key options:

  • Show Upcoming Events: Toggle this option to display upcoming events on your calendar.
  • Hide Location: Use this option to hide the location of the event.
  • Don't Feature Next: This setting controls whether the closest event is featured. Toggling it off ensures all events are displayed equally.
  • Zone Padding: Adjust the level of zone padding to change the margins of the App display. This can help you fit more events on the screen.
  • Font: Select your preferred font for displaying event information.
  • App Background: Choose a background for your Events App. Options include selecting from a library of images and videos, choosing a background colour with a gradient overlay, or using a media file from your repository.

Generating .ICS URLs

Google Calendar: Navigate to the settings of the calendar you would like to display. Next under "Integrate Calendar", copy the Private or Public URL in iCal format

Apple Calendar: Sign into iCloud, access the calendar, open "Calendar Sharing," choose "Public Calendar," and copy the URL. Ensure the URL starts with "https://" for compatibility with TelemetryTV.

Office 365: Log into your Office 365 account, go to your calendar app, access calendar settings, and select "Publish Calendar" to obtain the ICS link.

With these steps, your Events App will automatically update based on the events in your calendar, ensuring your audience never misses an important date.